Weno ya q todos pedian q como se crea el fenrir aca les traigo un post :
Y les saldra este Fenrir Q es de color rojo:
3. Creando Horn of Fenrir Protect: FENRIR AZUL
Requisitos: Horn of fenrir Jewel of Lifex5 1 chaos (Ropa 4 additional)Estos pueden ser: helm 4 addi y/o armor 4 addit y/o pants 4 addit y/o boots 4 addi..etc
Combinacion: Regular Combination (la primera opcion de la maquina de Chaos)
4. Creando Horn of Fenrir Destroy: FENRIR NEGRO
Requisitos: Horn of fenrir Jewel of Lifex5 1 chaos (Armas 4 additional)
Combinacion: Regular Combination (la primera opcion de la maquina de Chaos)
Estos pueden ser: axe 4 addi y/o sword 4 addit y/o bow 4 addit y/o spear 4 addi
5. Comentarios finales:
Items totales requeridos para crear un Fenrir Rojo:
Chaos: 7
Jewel of life: 3
Items totales requeridos para crear un Fenrir Azul:
Chaos: 8
Jewel of life: 8
Fenrir Rojo: 1
Ropa 4 Adittional : Mientras mas items sube el % de exito (maximo 4 items dependiendo su tama�o).
Items totales requeridos para crear un Fenrir Negro:
Chaos: 7
Jewel of life: 8
Fenrir Rojo: 1
Armas 4 Adittional : Mientras mas items sube el % de exito (maximo 4 items dependiendo su tama�o)
Well because all indian q q as establishing Fenrir here I bring a post:
And they saldra this Fenrir Q is red:
3. Creating Horn of Fenrir Protect: Fenrir BLUE
Requirements: Horn of Fenrir Jewel of chaos Lifex5 1 ( 4 Clothing additional) These may include: helm 4 addi and / or armor 4 addit and / or pants 4 addit and / or boots 4 addi etc. ..
Combination: Regular Combination (the first choice of machine Chaos)
4. Creating Horn of Fenrir & Destroy: Fenrir Black
Requirements: Horn of Fenrir Jewel of chaos Lifex5 1 ( 4 additional Weapons)
Combination: Regular Combination (the first choice of machine Chaos)
These may include: axe 4 addi and / or sword 4 addit and / or bow 4 addit and / or spear 4 addi
5. Concluding remarks:
Items Total required to create a Fenrir Red:
Chaos: 7
Jewel of life: 3
Items Total required to create a Fenrir Blue:
Chaos: 8
Jewel of life: 8
Fenrir Red: 1
4 Clothing Adittional: The more items climbs% of the success (maximum 4 items depending on their tamao).
Items Total required to create a Fenrir Black:
Chaos: 7
Jewel of life: 8
Fenrir Red: 1
4 Adittional Arms: The more items climbs% of the success (maximum 4 items depending on their tamao)